Roma Community Work

Case Studies

DANCOP is building on our work with learners from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage. To celebrate GRT History Month in June, we were delighted to work in partnership with the Friends, Families and Travellers charity to support performances of “Crystal’s Vardo”, at Djanogly Academy, Nottingham and The Bemrose School, Derby.

The Performance

Crystal’s Vardo is a powerful show that explores the histories and cultures of the GRT communities throughout the centuries with an exciting and engaging story. Audiences included around 300 learners across Years 7 and 8 and over 20 members of school staff. The performances aimed to affirm the cultural identity of the Roma learners and increase knowledge and understanding across each school community. The performances were well received by all, with learners sharing their excitement to see themselves and their communities represented with their peers and teachers. The question and answer element of the performance saw thoughtful and insightful questions from learners around the content and the session connected the performance to future careers options.

“Crystal’s Vardo performance was exceptionally brilliant, celebrating our Roma community within our school and educating us on their customs and beliefs. We were very proud to welcome them into our school and share a unique afternoon with them.”
The Bemrose School


In addition to the Crystal’s Vardo performance the DANCOP delivery team worked with small groups of Roma learners at The Bemrose School to develop a range of study skills and knowledge of future educational pathways. During the summer term 25 learners took part in a variety of workshops in communication and presentation skills, resilience, goal setting and self-efficacy, critical thinking and pathways in education. Learners were engaged throughout the sessions and eager to talk about their goals, plans and dreams for the future, they took their learning outside of the workshops and were sharing this positively with their peers.

Thank you to the schools involved; The Bemrose School and Djanogly City Academy.

Next Steps

To further enhance inclusion and a sense of belonging for Roma learners within education, and to promote and foster community cohesion, a range of literature focusing on GRT life and culture was provided to three schools. DANCOP has taken part in and delivered at the newly formed GRT Steering Group whose members include representatives from schools, trusts, colleges, universities, police, council and community organisations across the region. Finally, DANCOP is delighted to be working in partnership to support a new Roma Saturday Club hosted by Djanogly Academy. We are excited to see how this community led initiative develops and the impact it might have.